The Last Day of my 37th Year on This Earth

Real wicked fast blog post before I get ready to go to the airport.

So today is the last day of my 37th year of life. I look back reflecting on all the people I have met and the experience I have had and though there were some very dark times, some people I would rather not have met, I am ok with my life. Do I wish I was somewhere different? Yes. But dont we all, didnt we all want to be something amazing when we were a child? I for one wanted to be a potato chip... cause you know EVERYONE likes them. And here I am about to celebrate another year and I am a disabled mom... It could be worse, right?

Anyway I meant what I said in my blog post, I want to hear of the awesome pay it forward moments you have for my present. I want to come home from my trip absolutely amazed by the amazing things you all do for the people around you, just because.

I leave you with these words of wisdom: Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend to them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster, and do it with no thought of any reward. Your life will never be the same again. - Og Mandino

I will see you all late in the week, have a glorious day.



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